Monte Rotondo, 2622, in réserve naturelle du massif du Monte Rotondo, is the third highest mountain on Corsica. From Corte we drove 10 km on road D 623 to the starting point in Restonica Valley . From the starting point it is 7,3 km to the summit and 1620 meters of ascent.
The first 400 m of ascent goes through pine forest until you cross the treeline.
The trail up to lake Lac de I´Oriente is rather gentle, but shortly after the lake the trail gets a bit more tricky as there are some slippery bedrocks, scrub areas and scree.
The gully up to the saddle, just before the summit, is steep and there are a lot of scree there. The summit was mostly covered in mist and the view from there was limited. It took us 4 hours to reach the summit. At the summit there was a nice stone shelter.